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Perbaikan Jalan Amblas di Matraman Rampung
photo Nurito -

Collapsed Road in Matraman Has Been Repaired

The collapsed road repair at Jalan Balai Rakyat, Utan Rakyat, Matraman, finally completed, on Monday (1/27). 

To repair the road, we use scrap to coat the top of the road temporarily while awaiting the arrival of hotmix asphalt

"To repair the road, we use scrap to coat the top of the road temporarily while awaiting the arrival of hotmix asphalt," said Matraman Sub-district Vice Head, Mujiono.

By so, the road can already be crossed as usual.

Prone to Collapse Road in East Jakarta must Be Inventoried

He explained that the road was collapsed on the side of Utan Kayu River last week due to the passing heavy truck. Its collapse had 180 cm depth, 180 cm width and 4 meters length.

"We send 20 personnel of Water Resources Taskforce and Bina Marga to do the repair," he stated.

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